Giving Societies
The Mary Baggett Loyalist Society, named in honor of Ms. Mary Baggett, is a giving society that recognizes donors who support the library each year regardless of the amount of the gift. Individuals giving in a successive year will be recognized as Loyalists.
Mary Baggett was born and raised in Bentonville. She has served the citizens of Bentonville in various capacities for many years. In 1972, she was the first woman elected to the Bentonville City Council. Mary has also been a longtime supporter of the library. Having been on staff as a past employee, and a leader for the capital campaign of the present library facility, Mary’s belief is that a vital library is the very essence of a strong community. Mary has always been an enthusiastic library patron!
The Flynt Family Legacy Society is the honorary society of patrons, donors, and friends who have made a charitable gift to the Bentonville Library Foundation through their will or in their living trust or who have named the Bentonville Library Foundation a beneficiary of a retirement plan or a life insurance policy. When you make a "planned gift" such as these, you leave your legacy in support of the Foundation's mission that will benefit the library and ALL in our community!
“The Bentonville Public Library has been a connection for our family for generations, spawning lively conversation and making wonderful memories. Regardless of whether it’s hard print books, DVDs, iTunes downloads or whatever wonders the future hold, I want these same things for my grandchildren—and yours! To this end, my sister and I have included the library in our Estate planning. What better way to remember our loved ones and continue the tradition!”
-- Cindy Flynt Walters
Sample Wording to Leave Legacy Gift

The Douglas Honor Society, named for Emily and John Douglas, is a group of generous friends who make an annual gift of $500 or more. Emily and John encourage you to join them and become a member of this special group of supporters of the Bentonville Pubic Library!
Emily and John Douglas are long-time residents of Bentonville and have been life-long supporters of the library. Emily was the Bentonville High School Librarian before retiring in 1999. As such, she knows the importance of libraries to students, as well as lifelong learners. Like many of you, Emily and John proudly contributed to the capital campaign to build our present library. Emily and John are so pleased now with the present facility appreciating how it has grown in services to Bentonville and believe that, “our library staff is second to none in the services they offer to all ages.” Emily served on the Bentonville Public Library advisory board for several years, and over the past 9 years, she has served as secretary of the Friends of the Library board of directors. Emily volunteers in the Friends Book Store a couple of times each month, and she also checks out books for residents of the Legacy Village Greenhouses (assisted living facilities). They especially applaud the collection of large print books, saying this is such a great service to senior citizens.